Food Security Firmly on the Menu in China

New edition of Dairy Products China News featuring: Continued pandemic problems, Ukranian impact on Belt and Road Initiative and price rises for Chinese factories.

Back in December, Beijing announced that it wanted to produce 95% of its pork by 2025 and make the country independent of soy imports. 

These figures seem somewhere between improbable and impossible, and in dairy we are very used to seeing impossible local self-sufficiency targets being announced around Asia and Africa.

However, as Richard Field notes in this month’s edition of Dairy Products China News, China’s dairy production aspirations – despite some major challenges – can by no means be ruled out.

Exclusive Chinese dairy market analysis in this issue:

  • New Farm Constructions of Shanxi Youran Dairy and Weiniu Dairy Approved
  • Development of the Dairy Goat Industry in Shaanxi
  • Action Plan for Improving Dairy Industry Competitiveness Launched
  • Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Dairy Imports from Mongolia
  • Mead Johnson China Acquires Milkgoat
  • Mengniu Dengkou Setups 4 Dairy Production Lines
  • Youran Dairy to Take 27.16% of Zhongdi Dairy
  • Danone Buys 95% Stake in Eurbest
  • Modern Dairy to Buy 75% of Ai Yang Niu
  • Raw Milk Price in a Slow Retreat
  • News in Brief: Dairy Imports in January-February 2021